+64 (0)21 139 0898 heather@heatherhart.co.nz

Past Life Regressions

Find your true self

Embark on a transformative journey through time and space with a past life regression session.

Have you ever felt a deep connection to a certain era or place, or experienced unexplained fears or talents? Your past lives may hold the key to understanding these mysteries.

Exploring past lives can illuminate the present and pave the way for a more fulfilling future. I provide a safe and nurturing environment for you to delve into your past life memories, uncovering insights and healing wounds that may have been carried over through lifetimes.

Safe and supportive environment Your comfort and well-being during a past life regression are Heather’s top priorities. You’ll feel at ease in her welcoming space in Waikanae or in the safe space of your own home, free to explore your past life memories without judgement or pressure.

What is a past life regression? 

Therapeutic Technique

Past life regression is a therapeutic technique aimed at accessing and exploring memories, experiences, or emotions from previous lifetimes. It typically involves inducing a relaxed or hypnotic state in which an individual can access deeper levels of consciousness or subconscious memories.

Relaxation Techniques and Hypnosis

During a past life regression session, an individual is guided through relaxation techniques and hypnosis to help them access past life memories or experiences. They may then recall scenes, events, emotions, or relationships from a past life.

Working through any unresolved issues or traumas

The process often involves exploring significant or impactful moments from these past lives, identifying patterns or connections between past and present experiences, and working through any unresolved issues or traumas that may have carried over into the individual’s current life.

Set an intention

We always set an intention together at the beginning of a past life regression based on what the client is hoping to experience or resolve. It’s best however to approach a past life regression with an open mind and view it as a form of exploration rather than having a set idea of what you might see or experience.

Why do a past life regression?


Many individuals are curious about their past lives and seek past life regression as a means to explore their personal history beyond their current lifetime.

Healing Trauma

Sometimes a past life regression can help them uncover and heal traumas or unresolved issues from past lives that may be impacting their current life.

Understanding Patterns

Patterns of behaviour, relationships, or recurring dreams might be attributed to past life experiences. Past life regression can help individuals understand and potentially break these patterns.

Spiritual Growth

For those on a spiritual journey, past life regression can provide insights into their soul’s journey and purpose, helping them to evolve and grow spiritually.

Addressing Phobias or Fears

Unexplained fears or phobias may have roots in past life experiences. Past life regression can help individuals identify and address these fears.


Some individuals are simply curious about the concept of past lives and want to explore it further, even if they don’t have a specific issue they’re seeking to address.

Finding Talents or Passions

Talents, skills, or passions from past lives can be accessed through regression, helping individuals cultivate these qualities in their current lives.

Seeking Closure

Past life regression may provide closure or understanding regarding relationships, conflicts, or events from past lives that continue to affect the individual in their current life.

Releasing stuck energy

If someone has had a very painful experience in a past life, that energy can be brought into their current lifetime and get stuck in their energy field. A past life regression can release this energy.

How does it work?

A session starts by working together to create an intention for the regression. This could be to explore a relationship, phobia, event, reaction or anything else that can’t be explained through your history and experiences in this life.

The regression begins with a relaxation and some guided visualisation. After that you will be experiencing the past life as it arises from your superconscious mind and talking with me the whole time.

The journey is usually about 75 minutes.

What drew me to meet with Heather was her mix of science based intellect (being a pilot), transitioning to grow her belief in her inner talents, and the beautiful aura I could feel from reading her website. As a trained career, leadership and life coach, I am very particular about who I trust with my own emotions and experiences. From my first connection with Heather I knew I would be a repeat client.
You will have read Heather’s explanation about what past life regressions are – a way to illuminate the present and pave the way for a more fulfilling future.
I have completed four past life regressions with Heather and have been amazed at the information I gathered about myself during the experience and afterwards.
One of the regressions from a year or two ago presented itself again to me and allowed me to understand where my fear of punishment, feeling unworthy, trying to prove to myself and others that I am capable, fear of loving someone, not being heard or being able to speak my truth, and not wanting to have children as i didn’t believe i would be a good mother; came from. How my past life experience was manifesting itself in my current life, and also another past life. And then be able to heal those old wounds so I can live in the present moment, love myself and enjoy life. I have spent tens of thousands of dollars over the past 20 years trying to better myself, change who I am, learn to love and be loved, and be accepted for who I am. When what I needed was a session with Heather. 🙂 We know that the teacher presents themself when the student is ready.
Heather really does provide a safe and nurturing environment for you to delve into your unexplained fears, talents and dreams. Let go of your fear and trust Heather to help you to understand the mysteries in your life. 

Wellington, New Zealand

I have had the immense joy of working with Heather in multiple ways. The combination of her years of training, personal experience, natural abilities, and pure compassion is such a gift to those of us lucky enough to be on the receiving end. She is deeply connected, illuminated, heart-centered, and wise.

My past life regression with Heather was exceptionally transformative and empowering. It wasn’t as much about the details of the past life that came through, as it was about major themes and threads that have carried through into this lifetime that were ready to be healed and integrated in a massively powerful way. It’s been truly life-changing. I feel more whole, secure and aligned with my Self.

I’ve also received spiritual counseling on a variety of topics. Heather has such a kind and gentle way of lovingly leading us back home to our own heart and our own truth. I’m so grateful for all of the guidance and love she has brought through for me and from me. Thank you, Heather, for being a beautiful beacon of Divine light.”

Jane Sterken

California, US